Marxism and the interpretation of culture

Marxism and the interpretation of culture - London : MacMillan Education, 1988 - x, 738 s. - Communications and culture .

Introduction: The Territory of Marxism / Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson. Marxist Theory and the Specificity of Afro-American Oppression ; Discussion / Cornel West. The Toad in the Garden: Thatcherism among the Theorists ; Discussion / Stuart Hall. Toward a Leftist Cultural Politics: Remarks Occasioned by the Centenary of Marx's Death / Henri Lefebvre. Hegemony and New Political Subjects: Toward a New Concept of Democracy ; Discussion / Chantal Mouffe. Desire and Power: A Feminist Perspective ; Discussion / Catharine A. MacKinnon. Marxism and Beyond: Strategies of Reterritorialization ; Discussion / Paul Patton. In Defence of Political Economy and Systemic Analysis: A Critique of Prevailing Theoretical Approaches to the New Social Movements / A. Belden Fields. The Vacillation of Ideology / Étienne Balibar. What Is a Revival of Marxism and Why Do We Need One Today?: Centennial Lecture Commemorating the Death of Karl Marx / Oskar Negt. Philosophy and Revolution: Twenty Sheaves of Questions / Gajo Petrović. Metaphor and Social Antagonisms / Ernesto Laclau. Patriarchy, Domestic Mode of Production, Gender, and Class ; Discussion / Christine Delphy. Can the Subaltern Speak? / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Modernity and Revolution ; Discussion / Perry Anderson. The Spell of Indecision ; Discussion / Franco Moretti. Cognitive Mapping ; Discussion / Fredric Jameson. The New Sentence and the Commodity Form: Recent American Writing / Andrew Ross. Postmodernism as a ”Structure of Feeling” / Fred Pfeil. Schizoanalysis: The Postmodern Contextualization of Psychoanalysis / Eugene Holland. Women's Rage / Julia Lesage. Can Industrial Culture Be a Culture of Difference?: A Reflection on France's Confrontation with the U.S. Model Serialized Cultural Production / Michèle Mattelart. The ”New Song” and its Confrontation in Latin America / Fernando Reyes Matta. Art Ideology and Pop Practice / Simon Frith. The Politics of Film: Discourse, Psychoanalysis, Ideology / Michael Ryan. Class, Power, and Culture / Jack L. Amariglio. Stephen A. Resnick, Richard D. Wolff. Beyond Ethnocentrism: Gender, Power, and the Third-World Intelligentsia / Jean Franco. The Production of Scientific Knowledge: Science, Ideology, and Marxism ; Discussion / Stanley Aronowitz. The Concept of the Philosophy of Praxis in the Quaderni of Antonio Gramsci / Sue Golding. Marxism, Normative Theory, and Alienation / Richard Schacht. Communications in Socialist France: The Difficulty of Matching Technology with Democracy / Armand Mattelart. Contamination, Coincidence, and Collusion: Pop Music, Urban Culture, and the Avant-Garde ; Discussion / Iain Chambers. The Critic as Clown / Terry Eagleton. Discourse: Structure or Event? / Michel Pêcheux. The Book of Poems as a Social Act: Notes toward an Interpretation of Contemporary Hispanic American Poetry / Hugo Achugar. Can People Be (Re)Presented in Fiction?: Toward a Theory of Narrative Agents and a Materialist Critique beyond Technology or Reductionism / Darko Suvin. The Place of Aesthetics in Marxist Criticism / Michèle Barrett. Marxist Literary Criticism in China / Fengzhen Wang.

0-333-46276-9 (nid.)

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